略歴 / Biography
Rie Ogawa completed a master’s degree in Aesthetics and Art History at the Graduate School of Seijo University in Tokyo, Japan. She joined the Takasaki Museum of Art in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture where she was the curator of the "100 Years of Bohemian Glass" exhibition. During this exhibition she became re-acquainted with the art and culture of the Czech Republic where she later spent four years traveling and experiencing its customs and traditions. This is also when she discovered and became an enthusiast of the art of modrotisk resist block printing and indigo dyeing. During her stay, Ms. Ogawa completed additional coursework in Czech Studies and the Czech language at Charles University in Prague. And also researched the Czech Japonisme movement as part of her graduate thesis at Seijo University. In 2014, Ms. Ogawa established “Violka” introducing the Czech culture and its traditional indigo dyeing to the people of Japan. Ms. Ogawa continues her work and love of the Czech Republic through “Violka” and a variety of other activities throughout Japan including her work as a translator in the field of art and related studies.

寄稿「チェコの藍染め 歴史と技法を中心に」関西チェコ/スロバキア協会 機関紙ブルタバ 2022年7月22日
寄稿「世界手芸紀行no.31受け継がれるチェコの染色技法」毛糸だま 秋号 Vol.179日本ヴォーグ社 2018年
翻訳『ミュシャ展』Slovanská epopej, Galerie Hlavního města Prahy, National Art Center Tokyo, NHK Promotions, Kyuryudo Art Publishing Co.,Ltd.2017

「日本・チェコ藍染め国際交流を終えて 両国の若い世代が繋ぐ伝統と未来」チェコ共和国オフィシャルブログ、2020年5月12日 „Mezinárodní kulturní setkání mezi japonskými a českými studenty díky modrotisku, Propojení tradice a budoucnosti mladými lidmi z dvou zemí“ Oficiální blog české republiky 12.5.2020